Dr. Jamie Pearson, a former behavioral interventionist for students with high-intensity needs in central North Carolina, is an Associate Professor of Special Education and Educational Equity in the Department of Teacher Education and Learning Sciences at North Carolina State University. She earned her Ph.D. in Special Education from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign as an OSEP-funded scholar. Dr. Pearson’s research focuses on: (a) disparities in autism identification, service access, and service utilization for Black children, (b) the impact of parent-advocacy and empowerment training on child and family outcomes, and (c) strategies to promote positive parent-professional partnerships between educators and families of Black autistic children. Dr. Pearson’s research has been funded by the IES (2021 Early Career Award), the NSF (2021 Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers grant), and the Spencer Foundation, totaling nearly $3 million. Dr. Pearson has published more than 30 articles in peer-reviewed journals in the fields of special education and racial and ethnic disparities, and has written several book chapters on autism, families, and racial and ethnic disparities in special education.