Julie L. Thompson, PhD, BCBA-D, is an Associate Professor of Special Education, Behavioral Learning INterventions in Children (BLINC) Lab Director; Core Faculty Member of the Texas A&M University Institute for Early Childhood Development and Education; and Affiliated Faculty Member of the Center on Disability and Development at Texas A&M University. Julie’s work as a classroom teacher for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) gave her insight into the layered complexities of providing adequate education to individuals with ASD in public schools. Julie’s BLINC lab uses social-justice-driven mixed-methods research to specialize in two areas: academic instruction for students with profound autism and/or intellectual disabilities AND preventing and teaching replacement behaviors to students with interfering problem behaviors in the classroom, to support inclusion, communication, independence, and lifelong fulfillment. Julie has been PI on seven externally funded awards totaling $3,864,799 and Co-PI four externally funded awards totaling $30.14 million. Julie has 22 peer-reviewed publications, 58 peer-reviewed presentations, and has chaired or co-chaired 17 doctoral students.