Dr. Margaret P. Weiss is an Associate Professor of Special Education at George Mason University and currently the Past President of the Teacher Education Division of the Council for Exceptional Children. Dr. Weiss earned her PhD at the University of Virginia and has experience teaching students with disabilities who access the general curriculum. Her research focuses on ecoaching, special education teacher preparation, and co-teaching and collaboration. She has published more than 30 peer reviewed articles, written multiple chapters to support HLP work, and provides professional learning to schools in need of improvement on a regular basis. Dr. Weiss has served as Associate Editor of TEACHING Exceptional Children and is currently an Associate Editor for Journal of Special Education Preparation and Intervention in School and Clinic (Teacher Preparation section). She has successfully managed multiple federal, state and Mason-internal grants, totaling more than $5 million in the last five years, including PI of the Virginia Department of Education Region 4 Training and Technical Assistance Center (TTAC) and Co-PI of the OSEP-funded Virginia is for Leaders (DEEL) Personnel Preparation Grant.